Sunday, August 3, 2008

The 11th hour - a movie on global warming. Our biosphere is sick. Let's nurse it to health together.

In the the movie, the 11th hour, it said "Our biosphere is sick and we have a planet that is behaving like an infected organism." What a amazing way to describe it.  This movie was filled with metaphors by experts which are eye-opening and paint a vivid picture with their words of what our earth is going through.  We need to restore the health of our planet.  It is "The greatest challenge of our time".  By not doing anything about it or not doing enough, "we are ultimately committing suicide."  And for people to say that global warming is a hoax is very very saddening and infuriating to me.  Other interesting points from the movie:

Nature does for free for us (turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, produce numerous materials to name 2 of millions of things) what would take us 35 trillion dollars to reproduce.

The way we are producing, it is as it we are manufacturing and producing trash.  The amount produced is the same amount of trash put back into the earth.  

We know more brand names, production company names, advertisement names than the names of the local animals and plants surrounding us.  We have become ignorant.

We numb our senses from morning to night.  We have forgotten the beauty of the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feels of the world and are constantly full of our day and what has to get done right now or else.  

Put a picture in your mind of what global warming means to you.  If each person puts his or her picture together, a global mosaic would be painted of the the catastrophic nature of continuing on the path that the world is going.

The movie is informative and is passing knowledge on to us, but now we need to do something about it?  What are you doing?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sometimes I hate people...

Why does a mechanic think he can keep my car overnight without even calling me?
Why do I try so hard to help a patient and still they treat me terribly?
Why do I work so hard to take care of my patients every single day and still my boss finds something negative to say to me almost every single day?
Why is another nurse so rude to me when I have not done anything to her?
Why does my mom say I am fat but ask me why I have not finished all of my food.
(If you see me you will see I am not fat, but in Indian eyes, if you are not 120 pounds you are fat.)
Why are some patient aides so lazy that they find any excuse not to work hard?
Why do people have no idea how to drive?

You think nurses have it easy, huh

Unless you are a nurse or living with someone who is a nurse or have spent lots of time in the hospital, it is hard to know what it really means to be a nurse. People say, "Oh, you are sooo lucky to be in a job that is in such high demand and you can get a job anywhere and you must make soo much money." I say spenf half a day in my shoes and you will say something completely different.

Myth: "You are lucky to be in a job that is in high demand."
Reality check: Because the job is in high demand and you can get a job anywhere means that there are SHORTAGES EVERYWHERE. Which means at your job you are doing 2-3 people's workload on most days, which translates into overworked underpaid nurses who are burnt out. Does that make us lucky? I think not.

Myth: "You make so much money."
Reality check: If we nurses are making so much money, why do we have to constantly put in extra hours just to pay our mortgages and bills? How come many of us are still driving used cars? How come many of us have to find second jobs?

Despite, I am proud of the fact that I am a nurse. I feel thankful that I am blessed to be able to take care of people and help them breathe easier. I love getting to know people from different backgrounds, jobs, life experiences, families and learning from them. I enjoy empowering patients to take better care of themselves. However, I feel that nurses today are so overloaded that they come home mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically exhausted. Days off are spent recuperating and thinking about all the things we could not get done and wish we could have done better. Taking care of yourself and nurturing the nurse is very important...

So when you think nurses have it soooo easy, think again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Under the glistening sun

No one understands what I feel inside
It is a very long scary emotional
rollercoaster ride
that never ends
Where I hide my feelings inside
They swirl around like a monster shark
that lurks at the rocks and bends
at the the bottom of the ocean
in a world that's unknown, so dark
waiting to attack without warning
like the monsoon tide
I am undertain of myself and what lurks inside
not knowing what will surface
will it be the calm friendly face of the dolphins
will it be the stinging jealousy of the jellyfish
will it be the ferocious anger of the shark in bloody waters
Why am I so out of control of what I feel
Why are these emotions holding the steering wheel
It is a world of emotions one cannot see

beyond the exotic indian talented beauty

under the serene caramel skin and smiling face

longing to feel the violin melody and the beating drum

the serotonin flowing under the glistening sun

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Creating Who I am

There once was a young messiah
who travelled into my conscience
and sparked a new philosophy within my being

It's amazing how changing the way of thinking
is like windex on your window of seeing
the way the world is or who you are.

Despite the frisbees and windstorms and
banana peels that this LIFE presents to me
I am creating my all-weather all-terrain protective
gear of self-confidence, determination, and passion
to create WHO I AM

I am a nurse
I am an advocate
I am an artist
I am a vehicle for change
I am a mother of two dogs
I am a girlfriend, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a niece, a cousin, an aunt
I am a teacher
I am a curious girl
I am a dancer
I am a billboard of ideas
I am a critic
I am a proponent
I am a voice for my patients
I am in charge of creating who I am